"I received hypnosis from Phil Naylor for several months for issues related to a cancer diagnosis (pain management, symptom control, confidence building etc.). It has been a very positive experience - professional, and healing.  

Phil’s wide range of assessment skills, excellent healing modalities, goal setting, evaluation, follow-up and feedback between himself and client all make for a very trusting and therapeutic relationship. 

I can confidently recommend Phil to anyone who is ready to do some profound healing work.  I have benefited greatly and I have now acquired strong relaxation skills and healing techniques which I can work on either independently and/or with continuing sessions with Phil, 
who promotes self-reliance and my self-confidence in healing."   
Phyllis E, B.Sc.N. (R.N.)


"Hi Phil

A big thank you to you for all your patience, guidance and encouragement on my journey to wellness.

I have tried many other counsellors over the years but none have been able to work with me in such a way that found the root cause of my problems.

The work we did together gave me an understanding of myself and how to forgive, let go and love myself.

You followed up on phone calls and stayed in touch with me in your caring helpful way – with your help I was able to break the resistance and pain I had put in place in my subconscious allowing me to move into a joyous new life.

Phil I thank you for all your help and guidance – I am very grateful."



"I was referred to Phil after investigating several other therapeutic techniques to alleviate my bruxism (jaw clenching/teeth grinding) which all proved unsuccessful. He was able to resolve this issue in just four sessions, and moreover the relaxation techniques I learned in the process have also helped me sleep much more soundly in general (I had also struggled with insomnia during stressful periods in my life) and left me feeling more relaxed and grounded as a result. 

I had never considered hypnotherapy before, but I am now absolutely convinced of its effectiveness. Phil was an excellent teacher and guide through the process (because this kind of healing really does come from within), and I would highly recommend him and his services."



"Wow! What a great way to release your inner pain.  For years I have lived with an emotional pain deep within, I have tried different approaches to ease the pain and they helped (physiotherapy, psychology, life coaching…).  Yet, I still had that deep pain within. 

One day when I was visiting a friend, she gave me a pamphlet on Glen Tara Centre and said maybe Phil could help me.

I came home and looked up Glen Tara Centre on the internet.  As soon as I saw Phil’s picture I just knew I could trust him.  Hypnosis and regression I had heard of before, (always in a negative way), yet I still knew in my heart that this would work for me.

Every other treatment that I have experienced has never gotten to the root cause.  By having hypnosis and regression, you are dealing with the subconscious level, where the root cause of your emotions start. 

What an experience and one I would highly recommend.  In 4 sessions Phil and I were able to isolate the emotions and then heal them.  This method made me understand what caused all my issues in life and allowed me to forgive myself and love myself again.

Thank you Phil, from the bottom of my heart, for giving me, back to me."

Sent with Joy

Janet S


"Before trying hypnotherapy, I had begun to reluctantly accept my phobia as something that would be a life-long struggle - something I could do nothing to overcome and would just have to live with. With Phil's patience, determination and various hypnotherapy techniques, I am very happy to say, it is no longer part of my life! What was really amazing is that it took only three sessions!" 

Ashton D


"Hi Phil

I just wanted to thank you for helping me. As you know I experienced a construction accident two years ago, injuring my back and head. I also developed severe facial pain caused by teeth grinding while sleeping at night.

I was pretty desperate for a solution to my pain issues.  The only solution I had was to have weekly injections in my head, neck and back in order to keep the pain from completely overwhelming me. My career and family life suffered.

I am happy to say that all of my pain issues have been significantly resolved and I am no longer grinding my teeth in my sleep, completely relieving me of the facial pain. 

Although I still have physical effects from my injury, I have been able to completely discontinue the pain injections and I am able to cope much better with my situation. In fact I rarely take any medication for pain at all and I am back to my normal work schedule. Your self-hypnosis training is a great help for reinforcement.

My wife also thanks you as my disposition has improved greatly!"

Dave R


"I trust him completely. Phil Naylor is an amazing and gifted man. He has cured me of a lifetime of a crippling, powerful and terrifying phobia  - in just four sessions!

He has given me the gift of power over a fear - which has given me a totally new life.

Thank You Phil!"

Pamela R 

For more information 

Phone - 519-803-2965

                            email - Hypnosis@glentaracentre.com