

Please note that our services may be eligible for coverage under standard extended health benefit plans!

Please call us at 519-809-2965 for more information.

30 minute initial consultation session:  Free


Hourly fee - $155 

Smoking Cessation:

Smoking cessation programs are offered in a two, three or four session program depending on the nature and extent of the smoking habit as assessed during the initial consultation. 

In the two-session program, you quit smoking on the first session and the second session is provided as follow-up or reinforcement session to help ensure the the smoking cessation "sticks" and to address any issues challenges you may be experiencing following the first session

The three session program provides a preparatory session prior to the "quitting" session as well as a follow-up reinforcer following the quitting session. This is ideal for people who want to increase their motivation and commitment to stop smoking prior to the actual stop-smoking day. You will learn tools, strategies and preparatory techniques to enhance your motivation and fully prepare for your stop smoking day - about one week later. This is followed-=up by a reinforcement session about one week later. This is the most popular stop smoking package.

The four-session program is generally provided as a graduated reduction approach and is more suited to heavy and/or persistent smoking habits. We reduce the amount you smoke at each of the first three sessions and quit completely on the last session. There are other ways the four session program can be structured however, in order to suit your individual needs and preferences. This can be further discussed at an initial consultation session. 

 Single Sessions: 

  •  1 hr session - $155

Single sessions may be appropriate for specific issues such as finding lost objects or  for"past life regressions" - or in some cases for smoking cessation. Many people can also enjoy and benefit from a general hypnosis "wellness session" that can be used to boost feelings of physical and psychological well-being.

Single sessions of hypnosis are most appropriate in follow-up to an initial four -session program to address specific and pervasive issues

"Stand alone" single sessions to address specific problems are usually not sufficient to attain a lasting or satisfying result for most issues. However, there are always exceptions to the rule! 

Whether or not a single session may be feasible for a particular issue may be discussed on a case-by-case basis during the free one hour consult. 


Group fees vary according to the nature and duration of the groups being offered. Please check individual group prices as they are made available.

* As with all therapies, individual results may vary.

Insurance/benefit coverage:

Sessions may be covered through insurance or benefit plans if they provided coverage for a Registered Psychotherapist.  Please check your health insurance and employee benefit plan to see if the cost of psychotherapy, counselling or psychological services may be partially or fully covered and/or if your doctor’s approval is required. 

Note that "programs" cannot be purchased utilizing benefit plans. Sessions will need to be billed session-by session if utilizing your benefit plan.


We accept cash, cheque, credit cards and email money transfers.

Cancellation Policy: 

24 hours notice is required for a cancellation or charges may apply

Book an Appointment:

For More Information or to book an appointment Contact us at

Phone: 519-803-2965

Email: hypnosis@glentaracentre.com


Book your appointment now by clicking the button below!