Hypnosis   -  Psychotherapy  -   Personal Development  -  Wellness

Welcome to the Glen Tara Centre for Hypnosis, Counselling and Wellness!

Specializing in Trauma, PTSD, Panic Attacks, Anxiety Disorders, Chronic and Persistent Pain and Other Mental and Physical Health Conditions

We provide professional assessment and support, powerful therapeutic interventions and practical strategies to help you manage your challenges effectively and quickly. All sessions are conducted by an experienced Registered Psychotherapist. 

 On-Line Video Sessions Available. Receive Therapy (Including Hypnotherapy) In The Comfort and Security of Your Own Home!

Need Help Right Now? Download Our Free Ebook!

Getting control of your anxiety and trauma -related issues is easier than you think!  Our ebook "Understanding and Managing Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Anger and Trauma"  Provides a unique and simple framework for understanding and gaining control of these issues easily and effectively. You will learn practical techniques and strategies you can apply immediately to help get your anxiety  panic or anger under control right away.

Do you need support for a difficult challenge?   

Life is challenging - especially if you are struggling with psychological or health challenges that  you don't understand, can't control and feel overwhelming.

Hypnosis and psychotherapy can help. We specialize in facilitating deep positive change quickly.*

Free 30 minute consultation!

(in-person or on-line)

 Call 519-803-2965 for more information or to set up a consultation

We now offer on-line video sessions!

If you live at a distance or want the convenience of having sessions when and where it suits you we now offer a secure, confidential and very easy to use Telehealth video conferencing system.

Schedule a Free 30 minute In-person or Video Consultation 

(Click button Below)

The process of overcoming problems can often seem lonely, discouraging, confusing and lengthy.   The Glen Tara Centre offers support aimed at addressing these types of challenges.

Our interventions are oriented towards:

  • natural processes done with ease and comfort 
  • highly customized to you
  • goal focused
  • produce rapid change
  • insightful
  • aim towards substantial, sustainable results 
  • empowering  
  • holistic 

Whether you are seeking well-being, transformation, healing, and or personal development, we offer customized help !

The Good News: 

Change does not have to be a long, taxing, and unsatisfying process. Your self esteem does not have to be diminished because in spite of your efforts and intentions you’ve not achieved lasting success.  Whatever your issue, we can help.  There is hope !


dandelion held in sky releasing seeds

"The Mind is everything. What you think, you become."

- Buddha 


Located in Guelph Ontario and also serving Cambridge, Kichener-Waterloo and the surrounding area, we offer both individual and group programs to address a wide variety of wellness challenges. Some of our specialties include:

  • Pain Management **
  • Stress Management
  • anxiety and panic attacks
  • Elimination of specific fears and phobias
  • easing issues related to Chronic Disease  (eg diabetes, cancer etc.) **
  • recovery from surgery and major illnesses** 
  • Weight Management
  • Smoking cessation
  • Mental health issues
  • Trauma
  • Personal goal attainment
  • General wellness and well-being

  (** indicates that participation in these programs may require the approval of your physician. Working with chronic medical conditions refers to gaining relief from some symptoms or from psychological distress, NOT "curing" or physically resolving the condition)

 Please note that our services may be covered by standard extended health benefit plans!

Please call us at 519-803-2965 for more information.

* As with all therapies, Individual results may vary.

For more information 

Phone - 519-803-2965

email - Hypnosis@glentaracentre.com


Book your appointment instantly by clicking the button below!


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